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Chase County Chamber of Commerce Logo featuring the detailed roof of the Chase County Courthouse

“We honor and preserve our legacy and connection to the land and each other, by restoring all who experience our unspoiled Flint Hills.”

- Chase County Chamber Mission

We’re a Chamber That Works...

The Chase County Chamber has been working on a comprehensive, multi-year plan with the following goals:

  • Increase tourism in Chase County

  • Improve the local economy by creating opportunities for entrepreneurs and supporting existing local businesses

  • Increase community pride to recruit and retain residents

We’re more than just a business and tourism networking organization. We’re a dedicated group advocating for Chase County and the Flint Hills. Become a member today and help us shape the future of Chase County!

Our Results...

Here’s a few projects that we’ve recently completed:

Created a consistent Visual Identity for Chase County.

Results: Created stunning billboards on the Kansas Turnpike and Highway 50 inviting travelers to visit.

Created an online presence for visitors, entrepreneurs and residents. 

Results: Built an extensive new website, showcasing Chase County’s unique tourism assets prominently. The website addressed a lack of information on county assets, attractions, services, and opportunities.The site includes tools for prospective citizens to find information, make it easier to move to Chase County, and learn about entrepreneurship incentives and opportunities, and is a primary communication tool for current residents.

Current & Future Plans...

  • Create and publish a new dynamic tourism/living magazine.

  • Enhance Chase County’s ability to attract highway traffic through billboards or other outdoor signage

  • Update visitor materials

Annual Membership Luncheon Banquet

The Chase County Chamber of Commerce invites you to join us for our annual Membership Luncheon Banquet, usually held the third Thursday of December at HeBrews CoffeeHouse at 313 Broadway St, Cottonwood Falls. Always a favorite event, join us for lunch and a concert by the Chase County High School Voices, a brief meeting with election of officers and lunch will follow. For questions call 620-273-8469 The event for 2024 is Dec 19, 2024, 11:30 AM Members and non-members are welcome! Click here for the story about the 2024 event by Marcia Lawrence of the Emporia Gazette

Photo credit: Marcia Lawrence

Voicdes 2024.jpg

Frequently Asked Questions About Your Chamber...

What is it?

Created in December 1995, the Chamber is a voluntary organization of Chase county citizens who are investing their time, money and efforts in community development to improve the agricultural, business, industrial, cultural and civic wellbeing of the community.

What is its purpose?

To sponsor and encourage any activity that will lead toward the creation of more dollars for more people and to improve the overall economic welfare of Chase County. To have a clearinghouse for community ideas, activities and information. To put community ideas into action and to be of the most service to the most people.

Who can join?

Any responsible citizen interested in the community and who is willing to make a personal and financial investment in the community.

Who runs it?

The membership governs the Chamber. The officers and a five-member board of directors elected by the entire membership determine the policies and direct activities.

Are the Directors paid?

The only paid employees are the administrative director, who devotes both paid and volunteer hours to the Chamber. Part-time employees are hired to work on the weekends. Officers, directors and committee chair-people all serve without pay.

How does it work?

Primarily through committees. All members, regardless of the dues they pay, have the same voice, same privileges and the same opportunities to serve on these committees. Committees are appointed or are formed voluntarily to carry out these various projects. Some of these projects are completed in a short time, while others may require even several years of sustained effort. The Chamber of Commerce should not be taken as a social club. It is an active organization and a business institution dedicated to these projects, which will provide a more abundant life for all in Chase County.

What are the benefits?

Numerous services are available to members. However, the real benefits come directly and indirectly through the continuous development of our community and promotion of tourism. An active, well-supported Chamber provides increased income not only for merchants, farmers, ranchers and professionals but also more job opportunities for our community.

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